Forget Your Password?

Reset your password

If you have forgotten your password, simply submit your email address below. Once you have, you will receive an email asking you to change your password. Please follow the link within the email in order change your password. You should then be able to access the IMG Producer Area.

Note: If you have an existing login from our old Producer Area and have not yet logged into the new Producer Area, you will need to contact the IMG Sales department in order to have your password reset.

Primary Email * 
Confirm Primary Email * 

Please be sure to check your email after you click the submit button. If you do not receive an email from IMG within the next few minutes, please check your junk or SPAM folders for the email. If you still have not received the email, please contact the IMG Sales Service Center at 866-368-3724 or 317-655-4500 extension 8693.